Here is why tax law is the way it is. Now we have a loophole. The change is set forth in Sec. The Code section now refers exclusively to real estate assets, and has been retitle “Exchange of real property held for productive use or investment. Real estate exchanges are subject to the same rules and regulations as under previous law.
The day identification and 1day exchange periods remain unchange as does the role of the Qualified Intermediary. So under this section, the tax on capital gain is deferred till you sale the property changed for. So, one should note that the capital gain will eventually be taxed when that property is sold (or will be deferred again in another exchange).
To put it simply, this strategy allows an investor to “defer” paying capital gains taxes on an investment property when it is sol as long another “like-kind property” is purchased with the profit gained by the sale of the first property. End Your IRS Tax Problems. Money Back Guarantee - Free Consultation. Stop Wage Garnishments. Actually, the benefits have increased in some cases.
Under the new tax rules, many assets are eligible for 1 bonus. Example: Your prior investment has a basis of $10(purchase price less depreciation) and a current value of $75000. So, one of the major provision of law that was used by a taxpayer to save on capital gains tax requires fresh look and understanding.