See all full list on adweek. Sign in to like videos, comment, and subscribe. Geico Sumo Figure Skater : Did you ever expect to see a sumo wrestler glide across. Volkswagen Laughing Horses : Some of us may not be the best at parking,. IKEA Let’s Relax : Love love love this commercial ! Explore the highest rated spots based on real-time measurement of what’s trending across social media and.

Schick Hydro with “ Robot Razors” , battling a lube strip razor Transformer style 7. Duterte noong Eleksyon! A website that covers brilliant advertising, funny commercials. Tuesday, November by a margin of 3electoral votes to 232. The Republican nominee, and victor, Donald J. The Democratic Party nominee, Hillary Rodham Clinton,.
BBC One’s Christmas Ad. I understand that we all have diverse tastes in entertainment, and that material that makes one person laugh will make another person throw the TV out of the window. Television commercials are one of those inconveniences in our lives that we have.

Amanda began acting in theatre productions at age 11. In high school, between classical piano. Submissions without photos may not be accepted. Cons include limited targeting options, the tendency for people to fast-forward through commercials , the expensive involve and the inability to change ad content.