Browse directory features frequently-requested lists and prepared search. Consult Coverage Dates for Legislative Information for the start date for each collection. Enacted bills and joint resolutions appear on this list after NARA assigns public law (PL) numbers.
PL numbers link to slip law texts after they have been published by GPO. Private laws are in a separate list. To permit the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to establish a grant program to conduct cemetery research and produce.
A bill to provide emergency financial assistance to rural health care facilities and providers impacted by the COVID-emergency. Who are the members of 116? Who is the oldest US Senator? Women make up nearly percent of the United States population, according to the U. One hundred and two years later, one has become 1— the number of women serving in both. Congress , and about a year older than the 114th.
Senate, will serve in the House. The number of voting representatives in the House is fixed by law at no more than 43 proportionally representing the population of the states. Currently, there are five delegates representing the District of Columbia, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.
With weekly downloadable snapshots of session data. A record 1women will serve in the incoming House of Representatives, comprising 23. Twenty-five new members are under the age of 4 their youth reflected by. The Southern States Police Benevolent Association is committed to keeping you informed of federal legislation that may affect your work-life, pay and benefits. After winning their elections and weeks of preparation, Members-elect were sworn in as Members of the U. Representative Nancy Pelosi (CA-12) was elected Speaker and will preside over the chamber for the next two years.
For years the Original U. The House approved legislation to reopen the government. Whoever knowingly transports from the United States and its territories a person in foreign commerce for the purpose of conduct with regard to that person that would be a violation of subsection (a) if the conduct occurred within the United States , or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than years, or both. To require the Secretary of Health and Human Services, through the National Disaster Medical System, to provide for certain laboratory reimbursement for diagnostic testing for COVID-19.
Oversight Subcommittee Examined Whistleblower Qualifications and Protections. Protecting Those Who Blow the Whistle on Government Wrongdoing. Statutes at Large page citation. Jurisdiction excludes Department of Defense-related accounts and programs under the Subcommittee on Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works). Public Laws 1-1through 1-112.

The subject of today’s hearing with Japan’s partial agreement with United States has significant consequences for one of our largest trading partners, a strategic ally, and a country with whom we have had a complicated relationship as a relates to trade. Capitol closed to much of the public starting on Thursday, one day after a staffer for a U. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands, and Puerto Rico. Washington state tested positive for the.
View, map, and investigate congressional votes throughout history, classify legislators as liberal or conservatives.
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